Zan Romanoff

Zan Romanoff is a full-time freelance journalist, as well as the author of three young adult novels. She lives and writes in LA.


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Arielle Nissenblatt

Social Media & Community Expert

Zan Romanoff

Zan Romanoff is a full-time freelance journalist, as well as the author of three young adult novels. She lives and writes in LA.
How to work with a composer to create original podcast music
We talked to a composer and audio engineer about how to find the right composer for you — and how to end up with a collaboration that hits the right note for everyone involved.
When and how to hire help for your creative project
For every creator, there comes a time to figure out what you can offload so that you can make sure you’re able to attend to the heart of your work — the part no one can do but you.
A thoughtful guide to editing a podcast guest who stutters
When we make podcasts and videos, we have the opportunity to literally give voice to all kinds of diversity — so why do we so often edit to a standard that doesn’t reflect the way people actually speak?
Parenting as an online creator: how one mom navigates it all
We checked in with the creator of a kid's food channel about her best practices for sharing about her kids without over-exposing them. 
Zan Romanoff
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Here's how to turn a mountain of interview tape into a coherent podcast episode
It can feel overwhelming to take everything you’ve recorded and try to pull it into a single, coherent podcast episode. We asked an expert how to sort through it all.
How to keep your creator brand and your personal life in harmony
While it’s important for every show to have a clear, consistent brand, it’s tougher to be clear and consistent as a normal, imperfect, real-life person. We asked two podcasters to share their best tips for navigating the relationship between a public brand and a private life.
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