
Unleash the power of your back catalog: How to harness podcasting's hidden gems
Podcasters who have been at it for a while are sitting on a hidden gem when it comes to growth potential: their own content.
How to write an SEO YouTube description that encourages clicks
In this article, you’ll learn how to approach SEO research, as well as how to write a YouTube description that will draw users in and keep them consuming your content.
How to start a YouTube channel: The ultimate guide (2024)
From initial concept planning to channel setup, from understanding video production to content creation, and from video optimization to monetization, this guides provides every detail you’ll need for a successful experience on YouTube.
How to optimize your podcast show notes for SEO (from an SEO expert)
In this article, you’ll learn what full-length podcast show notes are, why they’re an integral podcast marketing asset, and how to write them so you can attract more listeners and website viewers. 
How to turn one podcast episode into a month's worth of content with Capsho and Descript
Repurposing content for multiple platforms is an attractive strategy, but you need to tailor each piece for each platform. Here's how to do that efficiently with Capsho and Descript.
Protecting your intellectual property as a content creator: Tips from an IP lawyer
Whether you’re working with partners or going completely solo, there are steps you can take to protect your intellectual property that will spare you tons of headaches down the road.
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