What podcast hosts can do to make life easier for their editors
Whether you have a production team or are a team of one, these tips will help all involved make better edits, be more creative, and get episodes out on time.

The 3 pillars of naming your podcast
Naming your podcast might be the most important thing you do for your show, and it's not easy. Here are three rules of thumb to help you out.

So you got invited on a podcast: How to be a good podcast guest
These tips from a frequent podcast guest will ensure you'll be the audience's favorite—and will definitely be invited back on another episode.

How to start a Patreon for your podcast: Tips from a Patreon veteran
An 8-year Patreon artist explains how to start a podcast Patreon to not only make some cash, but deepen your relationship with your audience.

How to encourage listener participation on your podcast
Listener participation is hard for podcasts. To get a steady stream of messages, you need to model what you want to see and give the listeners what they want.

How and why to add a game show segment to your podcast
Get ideas and tips for a successful game show segment to freshen up your content and engage your audience.