Why you need a podcast media kit — and how to make one
A well-crafted media kit can be a game-changer in showcasing your podcast’s value. Here’s what you need to know.

The 12 best podcasts of 2023...so far
To help you find your new favorite podcast, we compiled a list of what we think are the best shows this year. We’re sure you’ll find something worth listening to here.

7 strategies for getting your podcast guests to share the episode (and does it matter?)
So you have the perfect guest with a large following. How do you make the most of their audience? Here are 7 rules for getting them to promote your episode.

Unleash the power of your back catalog: How to harness podcasting's hidden gems
Podcasters who have been at it for a while are sitting on a hidden gem when it comes to growth potential: their own content.

How to be a guest on a podcast: 5 tips for being a memorable podcast guest
Here's how to pitch yourself to be a guest on a podcast — and how to be the best podcast guest their audience has ever seen.

It ain't over yet: 6 podcast marketing tips for a show that's ended
Just because your show is already out in the world doesn’t mean you can’t work your marketing skills! Here are six ways to get more listens to the podcast you've worked so hard on.