Lauren Passell

Lauren Passell is the founder of Tink Media, a podcast growth and discovery company, and the editor of Podcast the Newsletter.


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Arielle Nissenblatt

Social Media & Community Expert

Lauren Passell

Lauren Passell is the founder of Tink Media, a podcast growth and discovery company, and the editor of Podcast the Newsletter.
Podcast promotion 101: Find partners to work with
The secret to slow, constant growth is partnerships: working with other podcasts. Finding the right podcast partner should be the very first step in your podcast marketing strategy.
Want to build buzz for your podcast? Try a miniseries
If you've been plugging away and haven't seen much of a bump in downloads, try a miniseries. Here's how to do it.
3 ways to market your brand-new podcast from scratch
A brand new show doesn’t have any listeners yet, so traditional promotional approaches won't work. But that's ok — in fact, a new show has a leg up on the competition just by being new, and there are ways to lean into that newness.
The 12 best fitness podcasts to pump you up
These are the best fitness podcasts brought to you by athletes, scientists, and coaches to demystify fitness fads and help you become the fittest version of yourself.
The 15 best movie podcasts for film critics and buffs
We’ve rounded up the best film podcasts, from deep dives to film history, hosted by film critics and pop culture writers, and made for screenwriters, film critics, film buffs, and everyone in between.
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