
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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Automatic Apple Podcasts transcripts are coming. Here's how to make sure they're accurate.
Automatic Apple Podcasts transcripts are coming—and bringing better accessibility and SEO along. Make sure yours are accurate with this guide.
Turn listeners into superfans: 3 steps to build podcast listener engagement
Turning casual podcast listeners into superfans isn't easy, but there is a method to it. Here's how to build your podcast listener engagement.
How to record a podcast on Zoom: A beginner’s guide
Follow this step-by-step guide on how to record a podcast on Zoom, then learn about why it may not be your best recording option.
Are there good branded podcasts? These 9 examples show it can be done
Branded podcasts don’t have to be boring. These 9 shows marry content marketing with storytelling for a captivating audience experience.
RSS comes to YouTube: How to add your podcast to the world's largest podcast platform
Uploading your podcast RSS feed to YouTube will let you reach 2.7 billion potential listeners. Learn how with this step-by-step guide.
How to create podcast promotional assets your guests will actually share
Getting guests to promote your podcast is tough, but you can make it easier by designing videograms, audiograms, and social images with them in mind.
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