
Whether it’s a video podcast, a product tutorial, or a social clip you posted from bed, find the guidance you’ll need to make video that looks amazing and keeps people watching.


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The best AI YouTube description generators, reviewed
Can AI tools actually write good YouTube descriptions? I put six popular AI YouTube description generators to the test.
Multiple interviews? How to weave it all together
Creating a structure for how you review, organize, categorize, and build a solid narrative with your footage is essential for the story (and your sanity) to be the best it can possibly be.
Narrative structure: How to compose the best story for your footage
People have been writing stories for centuries, and they’ve hit upon some winning formulas that you can use to guide your own. 
When and how to hire help for your creative project
For every creator, there comes a time to figure out what you can offload so that you can make sure you’re able to attend to the heart of your work — the part no one can do but you.
Boosting your social reach with short-form video: a #MadewithDescript Q&A
Podcaster Evan Lian credits Descript's video features for helping his show reach thousands of followers and hundreds of thousands of views on social media. We asked him to tell us more.
How to edit videos faster by recording right the first time
Just pressing record and starting to talk is the best way to waste a ton of your time. The better your recordings are, the less time you’ll spend editing.
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