
Whether it’s a video podcast, a product tutorial, or a social clip you posted from bed, find the guidance you’ll need to make video that looks amazing and keeps people watching.


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5 questions to ask when choosing video background music
Want to turn a vlog into a cinematic experience, or make a how-to video feel upbeat and engaging? The right soundtrack can help you with all of that.
The best project management software to streamline your video production
Project management software for video production is geared specifically towards helping video creators keep track of everything that goes into their work, from pre-production to post and everything in between.
How to upload YouTube Shorts: A complete guide
The process to upload YouTube Shorts isn’t super intuitive. Learn how to do it with this step-by-step guide.
Talking head videos: What they are, how to create them, and examples to follow
Talking-head videos have exploded in popularity. This guide shares how to create them, complete with talking-head video examples to inspire yours.
How to use Apple Continuity Camera for professional videos
Continuity Camera lets your phone connect with your Mac via WiFi. From there, the phone pairs seamlessly with a variety of apps — including Descript, of course — to function as a high-def webcam.
How to make a training video: Everything you need to know
If you’re wondering how to create training videos that boost retention, here are some things to think about as you get started.
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