
Whether it’s a video podcast, a product tutorial, or a social clip you posted from bed, find the guidance you’ll need to make video that looks amazing and keeps people watching.


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Using EQ and compression for better video sound
Sound is a crucial component of video, and the two most important tools for editing video sound are compression and EQ.
How to set the perfect audio levels for video
Leveling tells you what the machines are hearing — and lets you know that you’ll have enough information to work with when you get to post-production. Here’s everything you need to know about leveling for video.
How to use TikTok: Tips and tricks for creators
Here's why the heck you need to put your content on TikTok in the first place, and then how exactly to make that happen.
YouTube transitions that will level up your video
Almost every piece of media we consume has some kind of transition, whether we notice it or not — and not noticing is usually the goal.
The 7 best video recording software picks for your project (2024)
Video recording software can mean the difference between a pixelated video that takes days to edit and a high-resolution masterpiece that’s ready in no time. Figure out the right software for your project with our recommendation.s
Using B-roll footage: A beginner’s guide for success
Even if you have a simple vlog, cutting to a few shots of B-roll can elevate your production value exponentially.
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