
Whether it’s a video podcast, a product tutorial, or a social clip you posted from bed, find the guidance you’ll need to make video that looks amazing and keeps people watching.


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How to export a video and which format to use
Don’t worry if you’re lost about the best format to export video to — here’s what you need to know.
What is a video crossfade effect?
A crossfade is a handy device in the toolbox of film editing transitions — both for audio and video clips. Here’s how to make the most of crossfades in your next project.
How to record a video on PC, phone, or webcam (2024)
Master video recording with our easy-to-follow guide. Learn essential techniques and equipment for capturing high-quality footage.
How to build an optimal YouTube studio setup (2024)
A YouTube studio setup can give your content a clean, polished, and professional look that helps you rise above all the run-and-gun videos flooding the internet.
How to reduce background noise: 15 tips for high-quality audio
Reducing background noise requires a two-pronged approach: setting up properly to record, and knowing the right way to fix audio quality in editing. This guide will show you how to do both.
Everything you need to know about YouTube video formats
Learn the best video format for YouTube, as well as YouTube resolution sizes, frame rates, and aspect ratios, for the time you upload your next video to your channel.
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