
Whether it’s a video podcast, a product tutorial, or a social clip you posted from bed, find the guidance you’ll need to make video that looks amazing and keeps people watching.


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Screencast Video Recording: Definition + Use Cases
Turn an idea or presentation into an easily accessible video with relatively little effort by using a screencast recording to show what’s happening on your computer.
How to Make a Compilation Video
Compilation videos are a great way to fit a lot of content into a little space, which helps you keep viewers glued to your video — and your video alone.
How to Watermark a Video: The Benefits of Using a Watermark
A watermark is a type of logo, pattern, or symbol printed onto work to denote who made it and who owns it, you can it everywhere from stock photos to Youtube videos.
Video to link: How to create a video link to easily share your content
Here’s how to upload your video to one of the internet’s many video-sharing platforms and create a video link people can click on to see your work.
Guide to Cutaway Shots: How to Use Cutaway Shots in Editing
A release to another scene that then toggles back to the same film shot it interrupted, use the term “cutaway” to describe interruptions of an otherwise continuous shot.
Understanding Master Shots in Cinematography
Staging and framing a great master shot is one of the elemental movie techniques for any aspiring director. Read on to learn about master shots in cinematography.
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