
Whether it’s a video podcast, a product tutorial, or a social clip you posted from bed, find the guidance you’ll need to make video that looks amazing and keeps people watching.


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Video editing 101: An intro to editing videos (2024)
There’s no one way to edit videos and the best way to learn video editing is by doing it. Here’s a quick guide on how to do basic video editing and what to consider.
How Inspirational Videos Are Effective: 5 Videos to Inspire
With the right editing tools, you can make an inspirational video about pretty much anything. Learn how to increase your value as a creator with an inspirational video.
How to embed a video on your website like a pro
Video can work just about anywhere on your website. It really comes down to the types of videos you want to make and the experience you’re trying to deliver online.
How to fix bad audio quality in a video
Video and audio go hand in hand: The moving image draws us to the screen, but sound is what keeps us glued to it. Editing video audio, is a critical part of video editing.
Editing For YouTube Videos: Unique Platform, Unique Approach
No matter what kind of video you want to edit, there is a generalizable approach you can use to turn your raw footage into something YouTube-worthy.
Make your YouTube intro an instant snapshot of your brand’s identity
A competent and compelling intro video can help a YouTube channel create a unique identity, find a better footing on the platform, and potentially achieve audience growth.
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