When you're feeling nervous about AI — worried it will flood the world with lousy content or subjugate the human race and breed us with poodles, so we won't shed — try asking ChatGPT to generate a bunch of names. For a show, a product, a pet, whatever.
We can pretty much promise you the result will be bad. Like, hilariously bad. Past attempts at getting its help to name new Descript features have produced such delightfully terrible ideas as "Gatherent," "Draftorax," and "Speakifyx."
No technology is going to rule the world if that's the best it can do. But even if it's slightly comforting, it's also frustrating — because we keep hearing that AI will be a great brainstorming partner.
Turns out though, that AI actually can be good at brainstorming — if you know how to prompt it. But to learn you have to put in tons of practice, trial and error, time and effort.
Or, you can just read this article by Descript's resident expert on AI+creativity, Briana Brownell. This time she's reporting on a study that discovered the best way to prompt AI for brainstorming.
Briana also makes another important point: humans aren't very good at brainstorming either. Have you ever spent an hour in a brainstorming session that produced absolutely nothing useful? Bet you have.
Also helpful, maybe
SEO (ugh) for podcasters
If you're a podcaster, you probably don't want to think about SEO. You may actively avoid thinking about it, and feel deeply angry when you're finally forced to confront the fact that if you don't think about it, it'll be very hard for listeners to find your show — not least because podcasting apps are terrible at that. SEO sucks. But we all have to do it. To get you started, here's a primer on SEO for podcasters. Read it, do it — it's important, sadly.
Eyes on the prize
Once, only anchorpersons and presidents had to be good on camera. Now, suddenly, we all need to know how to seem natural and authentic while talking to a gadget perched on a computer screen. It's a new skill for everyone to learn. We're here to help. Our Megan Schmidt quickly breaks down four ways to maintain eye contact on camera. To our immense surprise, it turns out the best way is Descript. Feast your eyes on it.
The Ramdy Rules

Ramdy's job at Descript is to make video. That's it. That's all he does. And he's super good at it. Plus nobody else here looks as good in our t-shirts. So we asked him to put one on and give us his best tips for editing video. You can't have a shirt (and probably don't want one, we know) but you can learn Ramdy's basic but vital editing rules. Here you go.
Creative mastery, live

Fast and easy, like nature intended
Making social clips is another going-to-the-dentist thing that creators need to do. Or maybe you love making them! (Really? Why.) Either way, if you haven't used Descript's social-clips workflow, you're missing out on a super quick, easy way to make compelling clips. There's some useful AI involved, so you can even get help figuring out what's most likely to go viral. Thursday, April 18. Register here or watch the replay.

Repurpose like an absolute beast
Making social clips is a form of repurposing but not all repurposing is making social clips. So, this one's different than that 👈 one. Here, you'll learn how to, for example, quickly turn a video into a blog post, a LinkedIn post, and an email. Descript heroes Harmony Jiroudek and Christiana Cromer will start with a primer on why repurposing matters, so if you're curious about that, this is perfect. Thursday, April 25. Register here.

Descript's AI tools are built to save you time and eliminate tedious stuff so you can stay in flow, and focus on making something great. Because for all the talk about the power of AI, it's still useless without you—your ideas, your creativity, your originality...just, you. So click below and jump straight to Descript to get started. The AI has nothing better to do.