What type of content do you primarily create?
Last week we made a few big announcements, including the latest Descript release: a full multitrack podcast production studio. (Relaunch the app to update, or download here.)
Here’s what’s new:
Multitrack editor
Drag-and-drop to add music and sound effects.

Voice recording
Record solo, or with your guests — we’ll dynamically generate a single transcript from multiple speakers.

An easy way to work with tracks of audio that you want to keep synchronized and still have the control to make edits to the individual tracks when you want.

Live Collaboration
Add a collaborator and work together in real time: make edits, see (and hear) the other person’s changes, add and resolve comments.

The easiest way to learn Descript: launch one of the three new tutorials — podcasting, transcription, or video editing — right from the app.

Honorable Mentions
There are even more updates detailed in the Descript changelog:
- Timeline updates: Context menu, alt-click to add (and remove) volume keyframes, double click to select range
- Toggle timeline button added
- Convert to mono / separate into mono files
- Timecode offset
- Updated Quick Insert menu
- Right-click Media Library menu
- Transcript displayed when dragging from Media Library
- Updated Export button
- Entire Composition now download drop zone
- Opt-in to help improve Descript