Brandon Copple

Head of Content at Descript. Former Editor at Groupon, Chicago Sun-Times, and a bunch of other places. Dad. Book reader. Friend to many Matts.


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Arielle Nissenblatt

Social Media & Community Expert

Brandon Copple

Head of Content at Descript. Former Editor at Groupon, Chicago Sun-Times, and a bunch of other places. Dad. Book reader. Friend to many Matts.
How to choose the best audio file format for your project
Who your listeners are and where they listen is important when choosing the best file format. Learn the common audio file formats in this guide.
How to remove background noise from audio
Noise is a normal byproduct of sound recording, but when it consists of unwanted background sounds it can have a noticeable—even negative—effect on your recordings.
Outside podcast setup: Record a podcast outside of a studio
High-quality podcast equipment ensures a certain level of sound quality and makes your recordings easier to edit and enhance later on. Be sure to calibrate your setup to match your environment.
How to extract audio from video: The ultimate guide
Descript provides all-in-one audio-and-video editing software, along with automatic transcription, and a bunch of magical features.
Brandon Copple
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Guide to video filters: How to add filters to your videos
Video filters are especially popular on social media. Applying a filter before you upload your video is a quick and easy way to jazz up your post.
The mighty transcript: How it can speed up your workflow
How transcription can speed up your workflow, and make your work more accessible
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