
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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5 signs it's time to rebrand: Is your podcast due for a makeover?
As your podcast evolves, you may come to realize that your show’s branding no longer aligns with your current goals, values, or audience. At that point, you can either stay in your comfort zone or go all in to breathe new life into your podcast.
How to buy ads for your podcast (if you have the money)
There are tons of ways to market your podcast for free, but money is a great way to kick things into gear. There are right and wrong ways to spend anywhere from $50 to $50,000. Here are some of those ways.
How to start a podcast: Your podcast launch checklist
You recorded your first episode, but there are other things you’ll want to have ready to go before you hit publish for the first time to ensure that your show hits with maximum impact.
Case study: 2 podcasters who use SquadCast and Descript to simplify their podcast production workflow
We love showing off the creative folks in the SquadCast and Descript communities that have the art of recording and editing figured out with our integrated platforms.
3 tips to get the most out of your podcast's sound designer
Knowing how to communicate with your sound designer is extremely important, and not just because their time is your money. Here's how to make sure both of you bring your A-game to the project.
Supercharge your podcast marketing with strategic feed swaps
If you do it right, a feed swap will feel like a gift to your listeners. Your audience will appreciate the gift you’ve given them, and they’ll probably follow the new show.
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