
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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Grow your podcast with promo swaps — here's how
Promo swaps are one of the easiest, most seamless, time-friendly, and effective ways to promote your podcast. Here's everything you need to know to make them happen.
How to optimize your podcast for YouTube
Getting your podcast onto YouTube is critical — it's the top platform for podcast listening. In this article, we’re going to go over tips for how to optimize your YouTube channels and every video you post
Podcast promotion 101: Find partners to work with
The secret to slow, constant growth is partnerships: working with other podcasts. Finding the right podcast partner should be the very first step in your podcast marketing strategy.
The best AI tools for podcasters: From scriptwriting to audio editing to marketing your show
You’re not going to love every part of podcasting all the time, and that’s okay. For everything else, there’s AI. We’ve rounded up the AI tools we find most useful.
From tech frustration to podcasting success: a #MadewithDescript Q&A
A new podcaster overcame her frustrations with complicated editing tools when she discovered Descript — and produced a better podcast as a result.
How to work with a composer to create original podcast music
We talked to a composer and audio engineer about how to find the right composer for you — and how to end up with a collaboration that hits the right note for everyone involved.
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