
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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Podcast intro: How to start your podcast with an unforgettable opening
A podcast introduction is the difference between someone listening to your show and clicking away. Here’s how to create one that attracts new listeners.
Choosing podcast topics to build and engage an audience
Choosing the topic for your podcast might be the most important creative decision you make. Here's what to think about while you're deciding.
The 11 best podcast hosting platforms in 2024
​​Looking for a new home for your podcast? Here are 11 of the best podcast hosting platforms to share new episodes with listeners.
How to start a podcast: A step-by-step beginner’s guide
Starting a podcast is no small feat. This beginner’s guide walks you through the process of creating a podcast your audience loves.
How to record a podcast remotely: 4 simple ways
Gearing up to produce a new podcast with remote guests? Learn 4 easy ways to record a podcast remotely in this guide.
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