
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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What is a podcast producer? 3 industry pros explain
We gathered three professional podcast producers to ask a simple question: what is a podcast producer? Turns out, the answer is complicated.
10 best Audacity alternatives to upgrade your audio workflow
When it's time to upgrade, these Audacity alternatives will give you the modern interface and powerful features you need.
How They Made It: Megan Tan of Millennial about learning the podcast ropes as you go
Megan Tan started Millennial back in 2015 as a sort of resumé builder. She's since been named Producer of the Year. Here's how she did it.
Join the Party's Eric Silver & Brandon Grugle on building community & funds for your podcast
The team behind Join the Party has built a loyal online fanbase—not to mention a entire indie podcast collective. We asked them how they did it.
Descript tutorial for beginners: 6 steps to get started
Hit the ground running with this Descript tutorial. Import, edit, and publish your audio or video project with the intuitive text-based editor.
Private podcasts: When do they make sense and how do you create one?
Discover the benefits of private podcasts and learn how to create one for exclusive audiences to give them valuable content.
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