Product Updates

A new version of Descript is ready! Get the latest on our big announcements, new features, quality-of-life tweaks, and bug fixes.


New: Learning Center — useful videos that show you how to use Descript
In the new version of Descript we’ve added the Learning Center — a new sidebar stuffed with videos that will teach you how to use Descript, show you a ton of tips and tricks, and help you hone your craft, whatever media you’re working in.
New: Project sidebar, edit-boundary review, comment tagging
A new version of Descript features an improved Project Sidebar, edit boundary review tool, and comment tagging.
New: Free Overdub on all Descript accounts, with easier voice cloning
The new version of Descript makes a trial version of Overdub available on Free and Creator accounts. Overdub Voices on those accounts will have vocabularies of 1,000 common words (we’ll let you figure out what happens when you type something else). Pro account Voices have unlimited vocabularies.
New: Studio-quality sound, wherever you record. Plus, ducking!
In the new version of Descript we’re introducing Studio Sound, a powerful new feature that enhances speakers’ voices while reducing and removing background noise, room echo and other sound you don’t want.
New: Quick Editor for screen recordings, timeline improvements, and more
There’s a new version of Descript out today with some great new stuff. Watch the video for a demo and a sneak peek, or read on for the highlights.
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