How ChatGPT works (sort of)
You may be thinking "I don't care how AI works. I just want it to work. I'm a creative, not an astronaut."
Understandable. And while we're not saying you need to understand the science, or the engineering, or whatever AI is made of, we do suggest that if you want to get the most out of it in your creative work, it helps to know a little about what's happening under the hood.
It's especially helpful if you keep running into ChatGPT's content policy restrictions—i.e., it refuses to answer your prompt but you're not sure why. Or if you're trying to use it to browse the internet or generate images, two relatively new features.
We've got a breakdown on all of that, courtesy of Briana Brownell, who learned a lot about how ChatGPT works by just doing what good reporters do: asking it a lot of questions (except normally they're asking human beings; welcome to 2024, I guess).
Click here to see what she dug up.
Also helpful, maybe

Transcripts coming to Apple Podcasts
A few weeks ago Apple announced it would soon start auto-transcribing podcasts and making them available for anybody who wants to read along in the app. If you're using Descript to make your podcast, right now you should be rubbing your palms together and saying something like "put away the beans honey, we're having steak tonight." Before you dine, you should read Arielle's breakdown of how it will work. Click here. Or learn it live! See 👇

How many downloads is a lot of downloads?
One of the most frustrating things about doing an audio-only podcast is the ridiculous web of mystery surrounding the metrics. (It's also one of the most compelling reasons to do a video podcast). How many downloads should you be getting? How many do other shows get? What the hell even is a download? As always, we're here to help: here's an article that explains all that, so you can understand what's a good number for your show. Click this.
How to make a YouTube video, Ramdy-style

Still haven't made a YouTube video? What's wrong with you?! No, it's hard, especially the getting-started part. If you're feeling stuck, or intimidated, or just...bleh, never fear: Ramdy's got you. Let him walk you through his six steps to making a video for YouTube. Watch the video.
Create mastery, live

Transcription 101
As noted, Apple is about to make transcripts available, so anyone will be able to "read" your show (apparently people still read stuff; weirdos.). Great time to learn to transcribe, correct, and publish your podcast in Descript. It's fast and easy, and Arielle and Ashley are gonna show you how. Thursday, February 22. Register here.

Get to know your clone
When Descript rolled AI voices out in 2018, it was revolutionary: correct your audio just by typing! And while we've since gotten a whole slew of new AI tools, for everything, AI voices have gotten waaaaay better. They're really a must-have tool for any creator. Learn how they work and how to work with them, live on Thursday, February 29. Register here.