Descript for transcription
Industry-leading accuracy and speed, with powerful tools for correction and collaboration.
¡Descript para la transcripción!
Cut, copy, and paste.
Edit audio with text.
Nobody transcribes like Descript
Automatic transcription with industry-leading accuracy. Near-instant turnaround. And it costs pennies per minute.

Automatic speaker labels
Add speaker labels in seconds with our
AI-powered Speaker Detective.

Transcribe audio in 22 languages
We support: Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Malay, Turkish, Polish, Dutch, Hungarian, Czech, Swedish, Croatian, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, Slovak, Catalan, Lithuanian, Slovenian, Latvian, (and English).
Choose the best plan for you
no credit card required
Start your journey with text-based editing
Get started
1 transcription hour / month
Export 720p, with watermarks
Limited trial of Basic AI features
Limited trial of AI Speech
per person / month, billed annually
Elevate your projects, watermark-free
Get started
10 transcription hour / month
Export 1080p, watermark-free
20 uses / month of Basic AI suite including Filler Word Removal, Studio Sound, Draft Social Posts, Create Clips, and more
30 minutes / month of AI speech
Most Popular
per person/month, billed annually
Unlock advanced AI-enabled creativity
Get started
30 transcription hours / month
Export 4k, watermark-free
Unlimited use of Basic and Advanced AI suite including Eye Contact, Translate Captions, and 20+ more AI features
120 minutes / month of AI speech
Unlimited access to royalty-free stock library
per person/month, billed annually
Empower collaboration on your team
Get started
40 transcription hours / month
Unlimited access to full Professional AI suite including Translate Captions with correction
300 minutes / month of AI speech
Add free Basic seats for collaboration
Priority support (with SLA)