A screen recording tool that makes you look and sound your best.
The fast, easy way to edit and share screen recordings.
Choose the size of your webcam, and capture any part of the screen you want in high-quality resolution.
Instantly publish and get a link for sharing. Embed Descript’s player for a clean look — and an auto-generated transcript for accessibility.
Capture separate audio and video tracks — and individual tracks from Zoom and remote calls — from separate feeds for easier editing.
Makes me *want* to edit, can't believe I worked without Descript, far and away the best/coolest software I've ever used, I love you so much, can't imagine trying to edit any other way, impossibly futuristic, best productization of machine learning I've ever seen, one of the most earth-shatteringly spectacular pieces of software I've downloaded in years, makes me feel like I'm living in the future, mindbending... I don't know that I'll ever be able to edit audio in any other way again, completely changes your expectations of a whole software category, the most thoughtfully designed app I've seen in several years, I’ve just experienced a new level of sorcery