
Add VTT to MP4

Effortlessly enhance your videos by adding VTT subtitles to your MP4 files for free, directly online.
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How to Add VTT to MP4

Adding VTT subtitles to your MP4 videos can enhance accessibility and viewer engagement. Here's how you can do it using Descript.

1) Sign up for Descript for free. You get one free hour of transcription per month, and no credit card is required.

2) Upload your video to Descript by dragging and dropping it into the project window. Descript will automatically start transcribing your video.

3) Once the transcription is complete, click on "Underlord". Then, type "Subtitles" into the search bar and select "Export Subtitles...".

4) Choose the export format under "Subtitles".

5) Finally, verify that the subtitle file was exported correctly by ensuring the file name ends with .vtt.

Why Add VTT to MP4?

Converting VTT subtitles to MP4 videos can significantly improve the viewing experience. Here are some specific benefits of adding VTT to MP4:

  • Enhanced Accessibility: Subtitles make your content accessible to viewers with hearing impairments.
  • Improved Comprehension: Non-native speakers can better understand the content with subtitles.
  • SEO Benefits: Search engines can index subtitle text, improving your video's searchability.
  • Viewer Retention: Subtitles help keep viewers engaged, reducing drop-off rates.
  • Multi-Platform Compatibility: Subtitled videos are more likely to be shared and viewed across different platforms.

Tips on Adding VTT to MP4

Adding VTT subtitles to your videos can be a game-changer for accessibility and engagement. Here are some specific tips to ensure your subtitles are top-notch:

  • Timing: Ensure your subtitles are synchronized with the audio to avoid confusion.
  • Clarity: Use simple and clear language to make the subtitles easy to read.
  • Font Size: Choose a readable font size that is neither too small nor too large.
  • Color Contrast: Use a high-contrast color scheme to make the subtitles stand out against the video background.
  • Line Length: Keep each subtitle line short to avoid overwhelming the viewer.

Don’t just take our word for it
With a 4.6 out of 5 star rating and numerous distinctions on G2, Descript has been recognized as a leader in the video editing & podcasting space.
  • “Getting started with Descript is super simple and easy to walk through with clients who have never done any audio/video editing in their lives.”
    Jacob G
  • “Descript is the GOAT editor. I still repeatedly think "wowza, this is bonkers" as I edit videos & podcasts like a word doc. Genuinely magical app.”
    Tommy L
  • “I'm a marketer with no video editing background but I can now create and edit videos [with Descript] in no time.”
    Harini R
  • “Before using Descript, manual transcription was very difficult. Thanks to Descript, I can obtain accurate transcriptions in record time.”
    Stevie M
  • “Descript is all you need for editing. You need pretty much zero editing skills and experience to use this software.”
    Lee W
  • “Descript has made my editing, review, & production process 10x faster & more effective.”
    Gabriela A

Add VTT to MP4

Start enhancing your videos now by adding VTT to your MP4 for free—click here to get started!
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