
Descript for Customer Support

Historically, customer service requires countless hours in emailing with customers, trying to explain complicated processes with words and screenshots. Use Descript’s screen recording and video editing features to  do your job faster and make your customers happier.

Use it to respond to customer tickets

When you need to explain something to a customer, make a quick personalized screen recording. When you share a Descript video, it comes with an interactive transcript, so customers can watch or read your response. And if they have follow up questions, they can leave comments directly on the transcript.

And because Descript is a fully featured video editor, you can build a library of reusable video templates to cover standard issues, and splice them into your responses with copy and paste.

A free troubleshooting tool for your customers

If your customer is having trouble explaining a problem with words, ask them to explain it with video by sending them a link to Descript. Descript’s screen recorder is free.

Use Descript to create help videos

Finally, Descript is the easiest way to record, edit, and publish videos for your help center. Record voiceover, or use one of our Overdub stock voices.... Then grab screen recordings and drop them exactly where they need to go.

When you’re done, you can host your video with Descript, and embed it directly in your Help Center. If you need to update your video as your business evolves, you can republish to the same link.

Descript est un éditeur audio/vidéo collaboratif qui fonctionne comme un doc. Il comprend la transcription, un enregistreur d'écran, la publication et des outils d'IA incroyablement utiles.