
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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How to start a video podcast in 2024
If you’re looking for a primer on video podcasting, with a full breakdown of all the options out there, you’re in the right place.
The essential video podcast setup guide: Tips from the pros (2024)
Find out how to elevate your video podcast with expert insights on setup, equipment, and production techniques.
How to know when you’re done
At some point, you have to label your file FINAL for real, and send it out into the world. To help you take the leap, we consulted a ton of experts for their advice.
How to nail a good podcast topic
Knowing how to turn an idea for a podcast into an actual, repeatable, compelling show is critical for any podcast creator. 
How to produce a podcast: from planning to publish (2024)
Want to start that new podcast? Learn how the podcast production process works and how to create your own successful podcast today.
Fine edits: Techniques & shortcuts to make your podcast sound pro
There are a zillion ways to do fine cuts — techniques, tools, keyboard shortcuts (or “hot keys”) — and no right or wrong way. So we asked a few pros for their pro-est tips..
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