
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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Adding transition music to a podcast? Everything you need to know
Background music can add to the listening experience too, creating a sense of whatever emotion you want to evoke, but, you should know that you’ll likely have to pay for it.
14 easy ways to find podcast guests (2024)
Identifying your ideal guest should start in the show conception phase before you've ever published an episode. You can look on social media and even on your own network.
8 types of podcasts: Discover the right podcast format for your show
Picking the best format for your own podcast involves several factors, including how much you want to spend on your podcast studio, how you prefer to work, and, of course, your topic.
How to design podcast cover art: 10 expert tips and best practices
Your podcast cover art is a listener’s first impression of your show. Here are 10 expert tips and best practices to design one that attracts listeners.
The best podcast equipment for creators in 2024
While the equipment for podcasts matters, we’d advise you not to spend a ton of money at the outset. Focus on nailing the content, and not creating a state-of-the-art setup.
How to write interview questions that get the best from your guest
A good interview feels natural, like a great conversation. Asking the right interview questions can be the difference between a revealing interview and an awkward one.
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