
Seems like almost everyone has a podcast now, but yours can still be someone’s favorite. We’ve got the tips to get you there, from gear to editing to marketing.


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The 18 Best Educational Podcasts: Just Click Play to Learn
There is a wide range of informative podcasts to help you become the most interesting person at your next happy hour. Find out our top 18 picks of topics and find something new to listen to.
How Studio Sound can liberate your workflow
Finding the right tone of voice ought to be simple: speak naturally, sound like yourself, and ignore anyone who gives you grief about it (they probably will, especially if you’re a female creator).But for whatever reason it’s not simple at all for a lot of us. Here are a few tips and tricks from creators who have mastered tone of voice.
The Right Tone Of Voice To Connect With Your Podcast Audience
Finding the right tone for your podcast is a critical element for success. The “right” tone will depend on your subject, audience, and you. Defining your audience is crucial for a successful podcast.
12 Tactics to Advertise Your Podcast
Advertising your podcast is all about trial and error. Whatever your ultimate goal may be, intelligently advertising your podcast will help you get there. Consider some of the following tactics.
How to Turn Audio Into Text With 9 Great Transcription Services
The best transcription services help you easily transcribe audio and video into text that’s legible. Here's a breakdown of some of the leading options out there to accomplish your transcription.
Podcast Sponsorship: The Tool to Create Revenue
Finding the right sponsors in the early stages can feel overwhelming, but it’s not impossible. Here’s why working with podcast sponsors is a smart idea. Take your show to the next level.
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