Silence Remover

Remove or trim silences, word gaps, and pauses from audio and video recordings with Descript. The best part is you decide how much dead air to keep or cut so audio flows smoothly. Improved pacing and professionalism is as easy as a couple of clicks.

How to easily remove silence from audio or video

Step 1

Upload your audio or video

To start removing unwanted silence from your audio, begin by creating a new project in Descript. You can easily upload your audio or video file by dragging and dropping it into the project area. Once your file is uploaded, Descript will automatically transcribe your audio, including silences and pauses represented by grey bars.

Step 2

Identify and trim word gaps

You can highlight and backspace to delete or trim silences from your transcript to do the same in your audio or video. Or you can go to Actions > Shorten word gaps to systematically reduce or cut silences from your audio one at a time or all at once. Descript allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the silence detection, and set a default length for word gaps.

Step 3

Export your edited audio

After applying the silence remover tool, preview your audio to ensure that the edits meet your expectations. Play through the edited sections to confirm that no essential parts were mistakenly removed and that the flow of your audio remains natural. You can restore removed sections by right clicking the vertical lines that indicate where cuts were made. Continue editing or click Publish to export your audio or video.

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Silence Remover

Silence Remover

Remove or trim silences, word gaps, and pauses from audio and video recordings with Descript. The best part is you decide how much dead air to keep or cut so audio flows smoothly. Improved pacing and professionalism is as easy as a couple of clicks.

Get started →
How to easily remove silence from audio or video
  • 3
    Create a new project
    Drag your file into the box above, or click Select file and import it from your computer or wherever it lives.
Step 1
Upload your audio or video

To start removing unwanted silence from your audio, begin by creating a new project in Descript. You can easily upload your audio or video file by dragging and dropping it into the project area. Once your file is uploaded, Descript will automatically transcribe your audio, including silences and pauses represented by grey bars.

Step 2
Identify and trim word gaps

You can highlight and backspace to delete or trim silences from your transcript to do the same in your audio or video. Or you can go to Actions > Shorten word gaps to systematically reduce or cut silences from your audio one at a time or all at once. Descript allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the silence detection, and set a default length for word gaps.

Step 3
Export your edited audio

After applying the silence remover tool, preview your audio to ensure that the edits meet your expectations. Play through the edited sections to confirm that no essential parts were mistakenly removed and that the flow of your audio remains natural. You can restore removed sections by right clicking the vertical lines that indicate where cuts were made. Continue editing or click Publish to export your audio or video.

Edit out silences and pauses like they were never there
Automatically detect and remove silences

Descript's silence removal tools transforms your editing workflow by automatically detecting and eliminating unwanted silences and long pauses in your audio files based on the parameters you set. Visualize silences and their duration directly in your transcript, and hit backspace on them to cut or trim quickly.

Regenerate smooths out rough edges with AI

Trimming silences and gaps from audio can sometimes be jarring for listeners. Regenerate helps you heal those rough spots by sampling the audio around the parts you generating new audio that blends right in. It's perfect for podcasts, interviews, voiceovers, and any audio or video project that contains dialogue.

Perfect pacing made easy for all recorded speech

Whether you're looking to reduce awkward pauses or extend gaps for dramatic effect, Descript makes gives you granular control over how you wield silence to captivate listeners.

Questions? We have answers
How do I remove audio silence?

To remove audio silence, simply upload your audio file to Descript. Descript will automatically detect and highlight the silences and gaps in your audio via the transcript it generates. You can then choose to review these sections or let Descript remove them instantly, tightening your audio and making it more engaging. It's a quick and efficient way to polish your recordings without manual editing.

How do I make recorded sound more clear?

To make your recorded sound crystal clear, Descript offers a powerful feature called Studio Sound that enhances your audio quality by eliminating background noise and improving voice clarity, making your recordings sound professional with just a click. Whether you're working on a podcast, video, or any audio project, Studio Sound ensures your content stands out with pristine audio quality. Simply upload your recording to Descript, enable Studio Sound, and let our advanced technology transform your audio effortlessly.

How can I use Regenerate to remove silence from audio seamlessly?

To use Regenerate for removing silence from your audio, just highlight the rough audio segments in your transcript, select Replace > Regenerate to generate new audio that blends in with the surrounding audio.

This is some text inside of a div block.
Descript is the only tool you need to write, record, transcribe, edit, collaborate, and share your videos and podcasts.
What is the point of this tool?
Descript is the only tool you need to write, record, transcribe, edit, collaborate, and share your videos and podcasts.
More than a silence remover
Descript is an AI-powered audio and video editing tool that lets you edit podcasts and videos like a doc.
  • Podcasting
    Script, record, edit, and publish your podcast in one smooth workflow.
  • Transcription
    Transcribe audio to text in seconds in over 23 languages.
  • Remove filler words
    Improve pacing by eliminating filler words like "um" or "like" from your audio in a couple of clicks.
  • Overdub
    Overdub seamlessly fills in gaps or corrects errors in your audio by letting you type to generate speech.