What type of content do you primarily create?
What’s in a name? For vlogs, it could be they key to your success or the reason for your failure.
Just kidding — your vlog’s success rides on the content, not the name. I mean, the name “vlog” itself is ridiculous, and look how far that’s gone.
Still, video blogging is getting so huge, you want to give yourself every possible advantage if you hope to cut through the noise and get more eyes on your content. Even if internet users aren’t looking for your content exactly, a memorable or clever name can still intrigue them enough to click through.
What is a vlog?
Vlog is short for either “video blog” or “video log,” but nobody really knows, or cares. Maybe it stands for Very Leathery Organ Grinder. Anyway, a vlog typically feature a subject (the vlogger) who discusses particular topics through video, rather than writing about them on a blog.
It all started back in 2005, when YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim posted a 19-second video titled “Me at the zoo” on the platform. It showed him standing in front of two elephants and talking to the camera, and became the first published “vlog.” It didn’t take long for creators to flock to YouTube to jump aboard the new medium. By 2011, nobody was using elephants anymore.
Today, the ocean of topics in the vlogging universe is vast. Many vlogs revolve around the creator’s daily life, including anecdotes about health issues, travel experiences, or humorous insights. You’ll also find product reviews, recaps of historical events, or deep dives into literally anything you can think of. Vlogs are typically hosted on YouTube and (to a lesser extent) Vimeo and are frequently cross-promoted on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
7 tips for finding the best name for your vlog
While only you can decide on the perfect name for your vlog, there are a few tips you can keep in mind to come up with the best one. Before we get to those, though, remember two things. First, if you come up with a name you love, just go with it. Second, as noted, it doesn’t matter that much. If you read this and you’re still stumped, or if the name generators let you down, maybe just name your vlog after yourself, or something obvious but descriptive — Brandon’s Book Reviews.
- Define your target audience. Before anything else, do some market research to define your target audience and establish your brand. Your vlog name may be the bait that lures your viewers in, but a little digging will reveal which ponds they’re swimming in. Think about your content and who it’s for: Are you appealing to a younger or older crowd? Working moms? Single dads? Nonbinary dog owners? Investigate your competition: look at the social media profiles of those who subscribe to their products or services. Once you’ve established your demographic, you can start thinking of a name that would appeal to them. If your target viewer skews older, names that reference, say, Y2K nostalgia or current pop culture probably won’t grab the attention of the crowd you’re looking to hook. Name your vlog for the market you’re trying to capture.
- Keep it short and descriptive. Unless the length of your vlog name is part of a gimmick or larger marketing strategy, don’t make it too long or difficult to read. Keep the name on the shorter side and lay off the symbols or punctuation to make it easy to remember. Clever or funny vlog names are also a way to make sure they stay on the mind, like ones that use rhymes or wordplay. But be careful of being too clever. Again, something super descriptive will make it easy for someone scanning YouTube to understand what you’re about.
- Relate it to your content. Many vlog names for YouTube simply consist of the vlogger’s name. But that simple, straightforward naming approach might not hold much weight if no one really knows who you are. A better strategy for a new or unknown vlogger is to go with a name that relates more to the type of content itself. If you’re running a storytelling vlog, you don’t want to use names that give people the impression you’ll be sharing computer tutorials or car advice. Keep the relevance specific enough that people know what they’re getting when they find you, but not too niche that you lose anyone curiously passing through.
- Benchmark competitors. Check out the competition and see what names all the most popular vloggers use. Notice any patterns or consistencies in their chosen names. Do they all mention their subject matter? Are they all of a certain length? Maybe you follow the crowd, or maybe set yourself apart by going in a completely different direction. Either way, looking for inspiration among your rivals is always a good way to come up with a name that’s uniquely yours.
- Check availability. If the name of your vlog is also the name of your domain, the site you use to register the name will tell you if it’s available or not. The site Checkuser.org will search for your desired name across a wide range of social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, and more. Use a site like BrandSnag.com to check availability specifically for YouTube channel name ideas.
- Brainstorm. In the event your name is already taken, you’ll want to have a list of alternate vlog channel name ideas ready to go, so you don’t have to go back to the drawing board every time. If you plan on buying a domain to host your vlog, you can always change the extension to something less common like .co or .me. If you’re comfortable with it, you can also try running a few ideas by friends and family to see if any particular names catch their attention.
- Use a generator. If this article doesn’t help you find a name, perhaps some computer software that can generate hundreds of names per second might. A generator lets you type in keywords relevant to the name you want to create, and then puts together a list of vlog channel names to choose from. However, not every program will tell you if the options are up for grabs or not, so you might need to run your top picks through an availability checker afterward.
Top free vlog name creators
If you’ve gone for a walk, meditated, made some lists, slept on it, and still need help choosing a great vlog name, welcome to the club. Naming is hard. The good news is, there are a number of vlog-names generator programs online you can use to move the process along.
- SpinXO. With SpinXO, you can type in words like your name, things you like, and relevant numbers or letters to help generate the right vlog name for you. The site will bring up 30 names at a time, and you can keep clicking the “spin” button to get a fresh batch of 30 names.
- Business Name Generator. This business name generator lets you enter a few keywords (separated by commas) to help create the perfect name for your vlog. You can also select an industry relevant to your keywords such as agriculture, tech, or photography.
- Name generator. Namegenerator.biz is a popular site for generating YouTube channel names for vloggers. You can also set prefix or suffix words and let the generator help you figure out what goes in the middle.