Descript for transcription
Industry-leading accuracy and speed, with powerful tools for correction and collaboration.
More than 6 million creators & teams use Descript, including:
Cut, copy, and paste.
Edit audio like text.
Nobody transcribes like Descript
Automatic transcription with industry-leading accuracy. Near-instant turnaround. And it costs pennies per minute.

Automatic speaker labels
Add speaker labels in seconds with our
AI-powered Speaker Detective.

Transcribe audio in 22 languages
We support: Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Malay, Turkish, Polish, Dutch, Hungarian, Czech, Swedish, Croatian, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, Slovak, Catalan, Lithuanian, Slovenian, Latvian, (and English).
Choose the best plan for you
no credit card required
Start your journey with text-based editing
Get started
1 transcription hour / month
Export 720p, with watermarks
Limited trial of Basic AI features
Limited trial of AI Speech
per person / month, billed annually
Elevate your projects, watermark-free
Get started
10 transcription hour / month
Export 1080p, watermark-free
20 uses / month of Basic AI suite including Filler Word Removal, Studio Sound, Draft Social Posts, Create Clips, and more
30 minutes / month of AI speech
Most Popular
per person/month, billed annually
Unlock advanced AI-enabled creativity
Get started
30 transcription hours / month
Export 4k, watermark-free
Unlimited use of Basic and Advanced AI suite including Eye Contact, Translate Captions, and 20+ more AI features
120 minutes / month of AI speech
Unlimited access to royalty-free stock library
per person/month, billed annually
Empower collaboration on your team
Get started
40 transcription hours / month
Unlimited access to full Professional AI suite including Translate Captions with correction
300 minutes / month of AI speech
Add free Basic seats for collaboration
Priority support (with SLA)