March 3, 2025

Embed video in PowerPoint: 2025 guide

Learn to embed videos into PowerPoint effortlessly with our 2025 guide. Transform your slides with engaging video content in easy steps.
March 3, 2025

Embed video in PowerPoint: 2025 guide

Learn to embed videos into PowerPoint effortlessly with our 2025 guide. Transform your slides with engaging video content in easy steps.
March 3, 2025
Elsier Otachi
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Start editing audio & video
This makes the editing process so much faster. I wish I knew about Descript a year ago.
Matt D., Copywriter
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PowerPoint presentations have a reputation problem. Most are forgettable walls of text that make audiences secretly check their phones.

The challenge isn't just figuring out what to say—it's finding ways to make your content stick when attention spans are measured in seconds, not minutes.

That's where embedded videos come in. Take Dr. Frans de Waal's TED Talk on inequity aversion. Instead of droning on with theory, he showed videos of monkeys rejecting unequal pay (cucumber vs. grapes). The result? Over 5 million views for what could have been a sleep-inducing academic lecture.

This guide will show you exactly how to embed videos in PowerPoint—no technical degree required. Whether you're pitching to clients or presenting to colleagues, you'll learn how to transform your slides from forgettable to impossible to ignore.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Video Embedding

Even though embedding videos in PowerPoint is straightforward, users may encounter issues like unsupported file formats or missing codecs. To avoid such problems, ensure your video is in a supported format, such as MP4 with H.264 video and AAC audio. If a video doesn't play, check for missing codecs and install them as needed. Additionally, verify your video links, especially when embedding online videos, to prevent broken links from disrupting your presentation.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint from your computer

First, you'll need a video—either from an online source or your media library. While you could manually play the video from another website or program during your PowerPoint presentation, this approach can be cumbersome and prone to technical issues.

Fortunately, embedding a video in PowerPoint is straightforward. You can either link to an external video file or embed it directly within your presentation.

Use the tutorial below to insert videos in PowerPoint from a computer.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint on Windows

Step 1: Select the PowerPoint slide

Launch Microsoft PowerPoint on a Windows computer and open a blank or existing PowerPoint file.

Then, go to the slide you want to embed a video and select the Insert tab in the toolbar.

Screen of user clicking insert on PowerPoint presentation

Step 2: Click Insert > Video > This Device

Select the Video option. Here, you can either embed a video from your computer or from an online source, like a website or YouTube and other supported platforms.

Click This Device from the drop-down menu to embed a video from a folder on your computer.

Screen of user selecting the insert video option.

PowerPoint supports MP4 files encoded with H.264 video and AAC audio. Additionally, you can insert videos in formats such as M4V, MOV, ASF, AVI, MPG, MPEG, and WMV. If your file format isn't supported, consider converting it to ensure compatibility.

If you don't want to play a video full screen, resize it to your preferred dimensions.

For precise height-to-width proportions:

  • Select Format (PowerPoint 2013 or newer) or Options (PowerPoint 2010) in the Size group

  • Click the Dialog Box Launcher Icon image

  • Click Size, then select the Lock aspect ratio checkbox under Scale

  • Enter your preferred height and width under Size and rotate or enter the percentage of size that you want in the Scale height and width boxes

Then, select Video Format to access formatting options like borders and effects or right-click the video for more options. You can also use the Designer tool to choose from professional slide templates.


Then, click the Playback tab to trim your video, add captions, and set playback preferences such as 'In Click Sequence,' 'Automatically,' or 'When Clicked On.' This ensures the video plays exactly as intended during the presentation.

Note: In PowerPoint for Microsoft Office 365 or PowerPoint 2016 version 1709 or later, you can use the In Click Sequence option. This way, your video can play in sequence with other actions you've programmed on the slide, like animations or transitions.

To insert a web video, select Video > Online Videos.

Image of user selecting the online video option in PowerPoint

Note: PowerPoint supports embedding videos from platforms such as YouTube, SlideShare, Vimeo, Microsoft Stream, and Flip, allowing for more flexibility in your presentations.

Step 3: Click Insert

If you choose to embed an online video, copy the link to the video you want to embed and paste it in the blank field. A preview of your video will appear in the Insert video pop-up.

Inserting a YouTube video into PowerPoint

Click the Insert button to embed the video in your presentation.

Image of user selecting the Insert button in PowerPoint

PowerPoint will download and insert the video on the selected slide. You can drag the edges of the video thumbnail to resize it, then use Video Format options, like shape, border, and effects to enhance the video.

Select the Playback tab to insert captions or choose how your video plays (automatically or when clicked).


Note: While you can't adjust when an online video starts playing in PowerPoint, if you're embedding a YouTube video, you can copy the video URL at a specific timestamp to start playback from that point.

Click the Slide Show tab to preview the video with all the formatting changes you made. Then, save your presentation to your computer or click the Share button to move or copy it to the cloud.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint on Mac

To embed a video in PowerPoint for Mac, you'll need to save the video file in the same folder as your presentation.

Step 1: Select the PowerPoint slide

Launch PowerPoint and open a blank or existing presentation, then select the slide you'd like to add a video to.

Select Insert.

Image of user selecting the Insert dropdown menu in PowerPoint for Mac

Step 2: Click Insert > Video > From File

Click Video to access video embed options from the drop-down menu:

  • Video browser

  • Video from file

  • Stock videos

  • Online film

Select Video from file to insert a video file from your Mac.


Step 3: Click Insert

In the Choose a Video dialog box, select the video file you want to insert, then click the Insert button to embed the video on the slide.

Image of user choosing a video in PowerPoint for Mac

If you want to put a link to the video on the slide, click Show Options in the lower left corner of the dialog box.

Image of user selecting the Show Options box during file upload

Then, select the Link to file box, and click Insert.

Image of user enabling the Link to file option

Select the Video Format tab to add effects and choose whether your video will play automatically or when clicked.

Image of user selecting the Video format dropdown menu in PowerPoint for Mac

Tip: If you're using the 2016 version of PowerPoint (or newer), you can play back videos with multiple audio tracks. These versions also support closed captions and subtitles embedded in video files.

Select the Playback tab to do the following:

  • Trim your video

  • Add fade in and fade out effects

  • Play the video on full screen or hide during the show

  • Insert captions

  • Select start time options (in click sequence, automatically, or when clicked)

  • Loop the video to play repeatedly and continuously during the presentation

  • Rewind your video

How to embed a YouTube video in PowerPoint

Embedding a YouTube video to a PowerPoint presentation is simple. You can use the video URL or integrated search function to embed a video you uploaded to YouTube or someone else's video (with permission).

To add a video to your PowerPoint presentation, you'll copy the video embed code and paste it into the slide you want. The code will load the video at the source and play it on the platform you're using.

You won't need to download and upload the video from YouTube and the video will load and play faster regardless of the file size. Plus, you can share video content that's covered under copyright, so you're not in danger of crossing any legal lines.

Follow these steps to embed a video in PowerPoint from YouTube on a Windows PC or Mac.

Embedding YouTube videos in PowerPoint on Windows

Step 1: Click Insert tab

Open a PowerPoint presentation and select the slide you want to embed your video.

Click Insert > Video.

Step 2: Select Online Video

Select the Online Videos option.


Step 3: Paste the YouTube video URL

Right-click the video to copy the video link or embed code, or click Share to get the embed code. Then, paste the URL or embed code in the link field.


A preview of your video will appear in the Insert video dialog box.

Click Insert to embed the video in your presentation.

Embedding the YouTube URL into PowerPoint presentation

Resize the video thumbnail, then use the video formatting options to enhance it.

Click Playback play the video automatically or when clicked or add captions. Then, preview the video with all the edits you made and save or share your presentation.

Note: YouTube's video file formats are similar to those PowerPoint supports, so your video will likely play without issues. However, YouTube supports some formats that PowerPoint doesn't, including FLV, 3GPP, WebM, DNxHR, ProRes, HEVC (h265), and CineForm. If your video isn't playing, check to make sure it's a supported file format.

Embedding YouTube videos in PowerPoint on Mac

Step 1: Click Insert tab

Open a PowerPoint presentation and select the slide you want to embed your video.

Click Insert > Video.

Step 2: Select Online Video

Select Online Film.

Popup in PowerPoint presentation asking for video URL.

A URL pop-up will appear prompting you to enter the link to the YouTube video.


Step 3: Paste the YouTube video URL

Go to YouTube and copy the link or embed code of the video you want to embed in your presentation. You can right-click the video and select copy video URL or copy embed code, or click Share and copy the video link or embed code.

Paste the video link or embed code in the URL pop-up in your PowerPoint presentation, then click Insert.

Image of user pasting a video URL into PowerPoint

Resize your video and polish your slides before saving the presentation to your computer.

Image of user resizing video for PowerPoint presentation

How to link a video file in PowerPoint

Embedding a video in PowerPoint is convenient but can significantly increase the file size of your presentation. If file size is a concern, consider linking to an external video instead of embedding it directly.

To reduce your presentation file size, insert a video file link to create a linked video. The downside with linked videos is that links can break, but you can prevent this by copying and storing your presentation and linked videos in the same folder, then linking to the video there.

Ensure you have a stable internet connection, then use the steps below to insert a video file link in PowerPoint on a PC or Mac.

Linking video files in PowerPoint

Step 1: Take a screenshot of the video

Find the video you want to link to in PowerPoint and take a screenshot of the clip.

To take a screenshot in Windows, you can either use the Snipping tool, press the PrtScn (print screen) key and Windows Logo key on your keyboard.

If you're using a Mac computer, you can take a screenshot by pressing and holding SHIFT + COMMAND + 3 keys together (for full screenshot) or SHIFT + COMMAND + 4 keys to screenshot a specific area.

Step 2: Insert the screenshot in your slide

Alternatively, navigate to the slide you want to add your screenshot to, select Insert > Pictures > Picture from File. Then, find the screenshot you took, select Insert to add it to the slide, then crop, resize, and position it to your liking.

User selecting “Picture from File” in PowerPoint

Step 3: Hyperlink the image to your video

Right-click the image and select Link.

Selecting the Link option in PowerPoint

If your video is in Descript, copy the video link from your dashboard.

Copying a video link from Published Descript page

Insert the video link in the address field then click OK.

Adding a video link to PowerPoint presentation

The hyperlink will be connected to the image itself, not other elements on the slide or the entire slide.

Click Slide Show to test your video and ensure it links to the right video. When you click on the image, it will open in a web browser, ready for you to play.

Choosing the Slide Show option in PowerPoint

Comparison of Embedding vs. Linking Videos

When incorporating videos into a PowerPoint presentation, you can choose between embedding or linking the video. Embedding ensures reliable playback without the need for an internet connection, although it increases the file size. Linking keeps the file size smaller but requires an internet connection and carries the risk of broken links. Consider the presentation environment to decide which method suits your needs best.

Why can't I embed a video in PowerPoint?

Embedding videos to a PowerPoint presentation is a straightforward process, but sometimes the video may fail to play. Let's review some reasons for playback failure and how to resolve them.

Video playback issues

Video playback may fail in PowerPoint due to unsupported formats, missing codecs, or broken video links. Ensuring your video file is in a compatible format and testing it before the presentation can help avoid issues.

  • The storage folder is corrupt

  • The video's audio is out of sync

  • The video file is corrupt, damaged, in an unsupported file format, or missing certain files

How to fix: Convert your video into a supported file format, check PowerPoint playback settings, or make the video visible by unchecking the Hide while not playing option in the playback tab. You can also save your presentation using the PPT or PPTX extension, so it's easier to open the file in older or modern Office versions.

File size and compatibility

Your video might not play if the file is too big. To resolve this issue, compress the media file by going to File > Info > Compress Media. Then, select one of these options:

  • Presentation quality/full HD: Adjusts the video size while maintaining its quality.

  • Internet quality/HD: Saves on space and video quality.

  • Low quality/Standard: Saves more space but doesn't keep overall video and audio quality. This option is ideal if you want to share the presentation with others and ensure your videos will still play.

If your video file is incompatible with PowerPoint, it may be in an unsupported file format or missing a codec.

How to fix: Convert the video to a supported format or add a missing codec to your computer for smooth playback.

Broken links

When adding an online video, you might accidentally enter an incorrect link or the video link may be broken at the source. This means it won't embed correctly and won't play when you're presenting.

How to fix: Before embedding an online video, ensure PowerPoint is up to date and verify that the video link is correct. Test the video to confirm it plays properly across different devices.

Create professional videos for PowerPoint with Descript

Embedding a video in PowerPoint is a pretty simple process with several benefits for you and your audience. To prevent yawns and glazed-over eyes, you'll need professional-quality videos that will draw your audience in, keep them engaged, and improve message recall.

Descript’s video editing software allows you to create high-quality videos that can be seamlessly embedded in PowerPoint presentations. With AI-powered features like automatic transcription and Studio Sound, you can enhance your video content for better engagement.

Plus, Descript's AI-powered automatic transcription generates high-quality transcripts from your video's audio, which you can use as notes while making your presentation. You can also use Descript's AI features to get text summaries, auto-generate copy for social media posts, and enhance your audio with Studio Sound.

Take Descript for a spin today to make quality videos that will help you deliver exceptional PowerPoint presentations.


How do I embed a video in PowerPoint?

To embed a video in PowerPoint, go to the Insert tab, select Video, and choose either Online Video or Video on My PC. Follow the prompts to insert your chosen video into the slide.

Is it better to embed or link a video?

Embedding a video is more reliable as it ensures playback without needing an internet connection, but it increases the file size of your presentation. Linking a video keeps the file size smaller but may lead to playback issues if the internet connection is unstable or the link breaks.

Elsier Otachi
Elsier is a freelance SaaS and eCommerce writer. When she’s not hard at work, she's reading, listening to music, or spending time with family.
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Embed video in PowerPoint: 2025 guide

Vintage monitor displaying video tutorial on embedding videos in PowerPoint, surrounded by abstract cubes.

PowerPoint presentations have a reputation problem. Most are forgettable walls of text that make audiences secretly check their phones.

The challenge isn't just figuring out what to say—it's finding ways to make your content stick when attention spans are measured in seconds, not minutes.

That's where embedded videos come in. Take Dr. Frans de Waal's TED Talk on inequity aversion. Instead of droning on with theory, he showed videos of monkeys rejecting unequal pay (cucumber vs. grapes). The result? Over 5 million views for what could have been a sleep-inducing academic lecture.

This guide will show you exactly how to embed videos in PowerPoint—no technical degree required. Whether you're pitching to clients or presenting to colleagues, you'll learn how to transform your slides from forgettable to impossible to ignore.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Video Embedding

Even though embedding videos in PowerPoint is straightforward, users may encounter issues like unsupported file formats or missing codecs. To avoid such problems, ensure your video is in a supported format, such as MP4 with H.264 video and AAC audio. If a video doesn't play, check for missing codecs and install them as needed. Additionally, verify your video links, especially when embedding online videos, to prevent broken links from disrupting your presentation.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint from your computer

First, you'll need a video—either from an online source or your media library. While you could manually play the video from another website or program during your PowerPoint presentation, this approach can be cumbersome and prone to technical issues.

Fortunately, embedding a video in PowerPoint is straightforward. You can either link to an external video file or embed it directly within your presentation.

Use the tutorial below to insert videos in PowerPoint from a computer.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint on Windows

Step 1: Select the PowerPoint slide

Launch Microsoft PowerPoint on a Windows computer and open a blank or existing PowerPoint file.

Then, go to the slide you want to embed a video and select the Insert tab in the toolbar.

Screen of user clicking insert on PowerPoint presentation

Step 2: Click Insert > Video > This Device

Select the Video option. Here, you can either embed a video from your computer or from an online source, like a website or YouTube and other supported platforms.

Click This Device from the drop-down menu to embed a video from a folder on your computer.

Screen of user selecting the insert video option.

PowerPoint supports MP4 files encoded with H.264 video and AAC audio. Additionally, you can insert videos in formats such as M4V, MOV, ASF, AVI, MPG, MPEG, and WMV. If your file format isn't supported, consider converting it to ensure compatibility.

If you don't want to play a video full screen, resize it to your preferred dimensions.

For precise height-to-width proportions:

  • Select Format (PowerPoint 2013 or newer) or Options (PowerPoint 2010) in the Size group

  • Click the Dialog Box Launcher Icon image

  • Click Size, then select the Lock aspect ratio checkbox under Scale

  • Enter your preferred height and width under Size and rotate or enter the percentage of size that you want in the Scale height and width boxes

Then, select Video Format to access formatting options like borders and effects or right-click the video for more options. You can also use the Designer tool to choose from professional slide templates.


Then, click the Playback tab to trim your video, add captions, and set playback preferences such as 'In Click Sequence,' 'Automatically,' or 'When Clicked On.' This ensures the video plays exactly as intended during the presentation.

Note: In PowerPoint for Microsoft Office 365 or PowerPoint 2016 version 1709 or later, you can use the In Click Sequence option. This way, your video can play in sequence with other actions you've programmed on the slide, like animations or transitions.

To insert a web video, select Video > Online Videos.

Image of user selecting the online video option in PowerPoint

Note: PowerPoint supports embedding videos from platforms such as YouTube, SlideShare, Vimeo, Microsoft Stream, and Flip, allowing for more flexibility in your presentations.

Step 3: Click Insert

If you choose to embed an online video, copy the link to the video you want to embed and paste it in the blank field. A preview of your video will appear in the Insert video pop-up.

Inserting a YouTube video into PowerPoint

Click the Insert button to embed the video in your presentation.

Image of user selecting the Insert button in PowerPoint

PowerPoint will download and insert the video on the selected slide. You can drag the edges of the video thumbnail to resize it, then use Video Format options, like shape, border, and effects to enhance the video.

Select the Playback tab to insert captions or choose how your video plays (automatically or when clicked).


Note: While you can't adjust when an online video starts playing in PowerPoint, if you're embedding a YouTube video, you can copy the video URL at a specific timestamp to start playback from that point.

Click the Slide Show tab to preview the video with all the formatting changes you made. Then, save your presentation to your computer or click the Share button to move or copy it to the cloud.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint on Mac

To embed a video in PowerPoint for Mac, you'll need to save the video file in the same folder as your presentation.

Step 1: Select the PowerPoint slide

Launch PowerPoint and open a blank or existing presentation, then select the slide you'd like to add a video to.

Select Insert.

Image of user selecting the Insert dropdown menu in PowerPoint for Mac

Step 2: Click Insert > Video > From File

Click Video to access video embed options from the drop-down menu:

  • Video browser

  • Video from file

  • Stock videos

  • Online film

Select Video from file to insert a video file from your Mac.


Step 3: Click Insert

In the Choose a Video dialog box, select the video file you want to insert, then click the Insert button to embed the video on the slide.

Image of user choosing a video in PowerPoint for Mac

If you want to put a link to the video on the slide, click Show Options in the lower left corner of the dialog box.

Image of user selecting the Show Options box during file upload

Then, select the Link to file box, and click Insert.

Image of user enabling the Link to file option

Select the Video Format tab to add effects and choose whether your video will play automatically or when clicked.

Image of user selecting the Video format dropdown menu in PowerPoint for Mac

Tip: If you're using the 2016 version of PowerPoint (or newer), you can play back videos with multiple audio tracks. These versions also support closed captions and subtitles embedded in video files.

Select the Playback tab to do the following:

  • Trim your video

  • Add fade in and fade out effects

  • Play the video on full screen or hide during the show

  • Insert captions

  • Select start time options (in click sequence, automatically, or when clicked)

  • Loop the video to play repeatedly and continuously during the presentation

  • Rewind your video

How to embed a YouTube video in PowerPoint

Embedding a YouTube video to a PowerPoint presentation is simple. You can use the video URL or integrated search function to embed a video you uploaded to YouTube or someone else's video (with permission).

To add a video to your PowerPoint presentation, you'll copy the video embed code and paste it into the slide you want. The code will load the video at the source and play it on the platform you're using.

You won't need to download and upload the video from YouTube and the video will load and play faster regardless of the file size. Plus, you can share video content that's covered under copyright, so you're not in danger of crossing any legal lines.

Follow these steps to embed a video in PowerPoint from YouTube on a Windows PC or Mac.

Embedding YouTube videos in PowerPoint on Windows

Step 1: Click Insert tab

Open a PowerPoint presentation and select the slide you want to embed your video.

Click Insert > Video.

Step 2: Select Online Video

Select the Online Videos option.


Step 3: Paste the YouTube video URL

Right-click the video to copy the video link or embed code, or click Share to get the embed code. Then, paste the URL or embed code in the link field.


A preview of your video will appear in the Insert video dialog box.

Click Insert to embed the video in your presentation.

Embedding the YouTube URL into PowerPoint presentation

Resize the video thumbnail, then use the video formatting options to enhance it.

Click Playback play the video automatically or when clicked or add captions. Then, preview the video with all the edits you made and save or share your presentation.

Note: YouTube's video file formats are similar to those PowerPoint supports, so your video will likely play without issues. However, YouTube supports some formats that PowerPoint doesn't, including FLV, 3GPP, WebM, DNxHR, ProRes, HEVC (h265), and CineForm. If your video isn't playing, check to make sure it's a supported file format.

Embedding YouTube videos in PowerPoint on Mac

Step 1: Click Insert tab

Open a PowerPoint presentation and select the slide you want to embed your video.

Click Insert > Video.

Step 2: Select Online Video

Select Online Film.

Popup in PowerPoint presentation asking for video URL.

A URL pop-up will appear prompting you to enter the link to the YouTube video.


Step 3: Paste the YouTube video URL

Go to YouTube and copy the link or embed code of the video you want to embed in your presentation. You can right-click the video and select copy video URL or copy embed code, or click Share and copy the video link or embed code.

Paste the video link or embed code in the URL pop-up in your PowerPoint presentation, then click Insert.

Image of user pasting a video URL into PowerPoint

Resize your video and polish your slides before saving the presentation to your computer.

Image of user resizing video for PowerPoint presentation

How to link a video file in PowerPoint

Embedding a video in PowerPoint is convenient but can significantly increase the file size of your presentation. If file size is a concern, consider linking to an external video instead of embedding it directly.

To reduce your presentation file size, insert a video file link to create a linked video. The downside with linked videos is that links can break, but you can prevent this by copying and storing your presentation and linked videos in the same folder, then linking to the video there.

Ensure you have a stable internet connection, then use the steps below to insert a video file link in PowerPoint on a PC or Mac.

Linking video files in PowerPoint

Step 1: Take a screenshot of the video

Find the video you want to link to in PowerPoint and take a screenshot of the clip.

To take a screenshot in Windows, you can either use the Snipping tool, press the PrtScn (print screen) key and Windows Logo key on your keyboard.

If you're using a Mac computer, you can take a screenshot by pressing and holding SHIFT + COMMAND + 3 keys together (for full screenshot) or SHIFT + COMMAND + 4 keys to screenshot a specific area.

Step 2: Insert the screenshot in your slide

Alternatively, navigate to the slide you want to add your screenshot to, select Insert > Pictures > Picture from File. Then, find the screenshot you took, select Insert to add it to the slide, then crop, resize, and position it to your liking.

User selecting “Picture from File” in PowerPoint

Step 3: Hyperlink the image to your video

Right-click the image and select Link.

Selecting the Link option in PowerPoint

If your video is in Descript, copy the video link from your dashboard.

Copying a video link from Published Descript page

Insert the video link in the address field then click OK.

Adding a video link to PowerPoint presentation

The hyperlink will be connected to the image itself, not other elements on the slide or the entire slide.

Click Slide Show to test your video and ensure it links to the right video. When you click on the image, it will open in a web browser, ready for you to play.

Choosing the Slide Show option in PowerPoint

Comparison of Embedding vs. Linking Videos

When incorporating videos into a PowerPoint presentation, you can choose between embedding or linking the video. Embedding ensures reliable playback without the need for an internet connection, although it increases the file size. Linking keeps the file size smaller but requires an internet connection and carries the risk of broken links. Consider the presentation environment to decide which method suits your needs best.

Why can't I embed a video in PowerPoint?

Embedding videos to a PowerPoint presentation is a straightforward process, but sometimes the video may fail to play. Let's review some reasons for playback failure and how to resolve them.

Video playback issues

Video playback may fail in PowerPoint due to unsupported formats, missing codecs, or broken video links. Ensuring your video file is in a compatible format and testing it before the presentation can help avoid issues.

  • The storage folder is corrupt

  • The video's audio is out of sync

  • The video file is corrupt, damaged, in an unsupported file format, or missing certain files

How to fix: Convert your video into a supported file format, check PowerPoint playback settings, or make the video visible by unchecking the Hide while not playing option in the playback tab. You can also save your presentation using the PPT or PPTX extension, so it's easier to open the file in older or modern Office versions.

File size and compatibility

Your video might not play if the file is too big. To resolve this issue, compress the media file by going to File > Info > Compress Media. Then, select one of these options:

  • Presentation quality/full HD: Adjusts the video size while maintaining its quality.

  • Internet quality/HD: Saves on space and video quality.

  • Low quality/Standard: Saves more space but doesn't keep overall video and audio quality. This option is ideal if you want to share the presentation with others and ensure your videos will still play.

If your video file is incompatible with PowerPoint, it may be in an unsupported file format or missing a codec.

How to fix: Convert the video to a supported format or add a missing codec to your computer for smooth playback.

Broken links

When adding an online video, you might accidentally enter an incorrect link or the video link may be broken at the source. This means it won't embed correctly and won't play when you're presenting.

How to fix: Before embedding an online video, ensure PowerPoint is up to date and verify that the video link is correct. Test the video to confirm it plays properly across different devices.

Create professional videos for PowerPoint with Descript

Embedding a video in PowerPoint is a pretty simple process with several benefits for you and your audience. To prevent yawns and glazed-over eyes, you'll need professional-quality videos that will draw your audience in, keep them engaged, and improve message recall.

Descript’s video editing software allows you to create high-quality videos that can be seamlessly embedded in PowerPoint presentations. With AI-powered features like automatic transcription and Studio Sound, you can enhance your video content for better engagement.

Plus, Descript's AI-powered automatic transcription generates high-quality transcripts from your video's audio, which you can use as notes while making your presentation. You can also use Descript's AI features to get text summaries, auto-generate copy for social media posts, and enhance your audio with Studio Sound.

Take Descript for a spin today to make quality videos that will help you deliver exceptional PowerPoint presentations.


How do I embed a video in PowerPoint?

To embed a video in PowerPoint, go to the Insert tab, select Video, and choose either Online Video or Video on My PC. Follow the prompts to insert your chosen video into the slide.

Is it better to embed or link a video?

Embedding a video is more reliable as it ensures playback without needing an internet connection, but it increases the file size of your presentation. Linking a video keeps the file size smaller but may lead to playback issues if the internet connection is unstable or the link breaks.

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AI for Creators

Why ChatGPT struggles with math—and why that matters

We expect computers to excel at math, so why is ChatGPT so bad at it? The answer sheds light on a lot we need to keep in mind about AI tools.

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